FREE QUIZ: Discover your Sensitivity Superpower

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You will discover your Sensitivity Superpower.


The problem for sensitive people is overwhelm. 


Identify your Sensitivity Superpower because you want to manage your mind without feeling swamped.

What is the next step on my journey?

Discover if you are a...

    • Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

    • Intuitive-Sensitive Person (iSP) or

    • Highly Intuitive Person (HiP)

    You will know your next step based on your results

    FREE QUIZ: Discover your Sensitivity Superpower

    Recent Stories of Transformation

    Mary Dawson

    "I was looking for a solution to a problem but I didn’t really know what the problem was."​

    Most Impactful Course: Healing Never Good Enough

    Marina Duskov

     "I am much less in fear, much more in my courageous heart.  I am more accepting of my feelings, and definitely living by intuition."

    Most Impactful Course: Enlightenment Path Membership

    Tracy Barthorpe

    "I know I can fall into “being there” for people and not be myself but I look forward to paving the way to look after myself and others safely and authentically".

    Most Impactful Course: Enlightenment Path Membership

    Jane Barnes

    "I found intuition, and it saved my life. My suggestion to people who are feeling a bit lost, or unsure and want to find out more about their intuition is simple: Try it!  


    You have nothing to lose.  Have a look at some of Heidi’s online recordings and videos, and take that first step”.

    Most Impactful Course: Enlightenment Path Membership

    Cecile Plouy

    "I am deeply grateful for my life choice, my sensitivity to KNOW I had to engage for things to be different”.

    Most Impactful Course: Enlightenment Path Membership

    FREE QUIZ: Discover your Sensitivity Superpower


    The Heidi Sawyer Group

    Base Innovation Centre

    Broxhead House, 60 Barbados Road

    Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 OFX

    UK VAT #984 6412 86

    +44 (0)1420 55 23 11