You've done that plenty of times - you've switched off at the crucial point. You used to do it at school, your mind would suddenly drift elsewhere just at the point you really needed to listen. You were then afraid to ask for it to be repeated so you then panicked in the corner or made up for it with messing around and saying to yourself - why bother anyway?
It's normal for your mind to drift off and panic when it's trying to process something new. Your unconscious will switch you off as a protection mechanism but really, it's still listening. Through the years, many of our clients have fallen asleep through meditations, they drift off right at the crucial moment when at other times, they have terrible trouble sleeping. They always seem to come 'back' just at the right moment and they still have amazing transformations.
As an Intuitive-Sensitive Person you are run heavily by your emotions and emotional responses. If something would be uncomfortable to your conscious mind, often the unconscious (through meditation) will shut you off from the conscious acknowledgement of the emotion, but will still process it. If you want to experience it, the key is to repeat the meditation process, when your conscious world feels safe enough, you'll stay awake. If you don't need to know, your unconscious will process it for you regardless of whether you're awake or not. This is why your only commitment to the work is to press play.
If you don't really want to change anything, if you're happy with mediocrity then by all means continue to believe you're unable to access your unconscious belief patterns. If you're here though, reading this, my guess is you're like our clients who are the successful ones. Our most successful clients are not the most bold yet attract opportunities, are not the most confident yet get given responsibility, are not the most attractive yet are magnets for lovely people - How? They're the most determined. They're up there and get chosen first, they want the edge and realise it's attained through accessing the unconscious.